Chat Log for CEONSS - ONS-Grit-SE-BadWolf-V2-C
on Mon, 16 Jan 2023, 21:51:32
Minutes Player Text
-0m 58s Mike Connected
-0m 58s Mike Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Game Start
1m 06s HalfSandwich Connected
1m 06s HalfSandwich Team Change to Blue Team
3m 13s Mike Was Crushed
6m 39s Mike Killed HalfSandwich with a DamTypeDragonBomb
7m 51s HalfSandwich Suicided with a DamTypeEONSScorpionEnergyProjectile
8m 50s HalfSandwich Suicided from Reckless Driving
10m 34s HalfSandwich Killed Mike with an OmnitaurKill
11m 53s Red Team Captured a Point!
11m 53s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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