Chat Log for CEONSS - ONS-City-Z-C-SP2
on Wed, 19 Oct 2022, 22:11:48
Minutes Player Text
-0m 54s Natasha Connected
-0m 54s Natasha Team Change to Red Team
-0m 12s Silence(808) Connected
-0m 12s Silence(808) Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Game Start
1m 26s Natasha Carjacked a ONSPlusHoverBike
3m 56s Natasha Headshot Silence(808) with a Manta
5m 15s HalfSandwich Connected
5m 15s HalfSandwich Team Change to Blue Team
7m 18s Natasha Killed HalfSandwich with a Manta
7m 22s Silence(808) Suicided with a Manta
9m 16s HalfSandwich Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
12m 11s Play77 Connected
12m 11s Play77 Team Change to Red Team
12m 19s Natasha Killed HalfSandwich with a Link Gun
12m 33s Silence(808) Carjacked a FlameBadger
13m 02s Silence(808) Carjacked a EONSCrusader
14m 02s Play77 Killed HalfSandwich with a Rocket Launcher
14m 18s Silence(808) Carjacked a EONSCrusader
15m 03s Natasha Killed Silence(808) with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
15m 56s Play77 Carjacked a FlameBadger
16m 19s Silence(808) Killed Natasha with a Paladin
16m 44s Natasha Killed HalfSandwich with a Manta
16m 59s Silence(808) Carjacked a EONSCrusader
17m 55s HalfSandwich Killed Play77 with a DamTypeBadgerMinigun
18m 10s Play77 Carjacked a Badger
18m 12s Play77 Killed HalfSandwich with a DamTypeBadgerMinigun
18m 19s Play77 Killed HalfSandwich with a DamTypeBadgerCannon
18m 36s Red Team Captured a Point!
18m 36s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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